Find my full CV here
- M.S.-Ph.D in Neuroscience, IMPRS-MMFD, GTC, Tübingen, 2021-present
- B.S.-M.S. in Science, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, 2016-2021
Work experience
- 2023: PhD candidate
- Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen
- Building computational models of delay, self-control and procrastination. Analyzing real-world student data
- Supervisor: Prof. Peter Dayan
- 2020-2021: Research Assistant
- Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen
- Analysed rat behavioral data and constucted computational models to understand the computational role of phasic Acetylcholine
- Supervisor: Dr. Kevin Lloyd and Prof. Peter Dayan
- Summer 2019: Research Intern
- Australian National University, Canberra
- Used Recurrent Neural Networks to model decision making strategies in rats
- Supervisor: Prof. Ehsan Arabzadeh
Publications and pre-prints
- Chebolu, S., Dayan, P. (2025). Weighting waiting: A decision-theoretic taxonomy of delay, pacing and procrastination. Psyarxiv.
- Chebolu, S., Dayan, P., and Lloyd, K. (2022). Vigilance, arousal, and acetylcholine: Optimal control of attention in a simple detection task. PLOS Computational Biology.
Posters and proceedings
- Chebolu, S., Dayan, P. (2024). Optimal and sub-optimal intertemporal decisions explain procrastination in a real-world task. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 46.
- Chebolu, S., Dayan, P., and Lloyd, K. (2022). Fast ACh signals and the optimal control of attention in a detection task. Poster presented at Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2022).
Invited talks
- Systems neurosicence symposium, Tübingen, 2024
- Murayama Lab, Motivation Science Lab, 2024
- Wu Lab, HUman and Machine Cognition Lab, 2023
- Proficient in Python and MATLAB
- COSYNE travel grant 2022
- IMPRS-MMFD scholarship from Max Planck Insitute for Biological Cybernetics 2021-2023
- Australian National University’s Future Research Talent Fellowship 2019
- KVPY Scholarship, from Dept. of Science and Technology (DST), Govt Of India 2016-2021
Service and leadership
- Helped in the founding of and served as a buddy for the CaCTüS internship in Tübingen for young scientists from underserved communities
- Teacher Volunteer: At Disha (IISER- Pune’s social outreach programme)
- Part of co-ordinating team for Karavaan (IISER Pune cultural fest)